This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Tories blame "unacceptably high" crime rate even though Statistics Canada reports that crime rates have fallen.

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Delegates representing more than 200 union locals from across Manitoba are scheduled to attend.

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23% increase in inmate count forecast over next five years, says Alberta's solicitor general.

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HSABC working to assist members affected through labour adjustment plan.

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Update from OPSEU on long-term plans for disposition of $2.2 million in wind-up funds.

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Goal of conference is to improve health and safety and create a fairer system for injured workers.

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Pembina Institute's Response to Environment Canada's announcement on international climate financing contribution — Oct. 5, 2010

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5.3% wage increase over three years and severance pay changes affecting mainly program and administrative staff.

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Elimination of two-for-one pre-sentencing credits will add 160 days to two years to the costs of keeping federal inmates behind bars.

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NSGEU member chosen for inaugural Dr. Alan Middleton Workplace Literacy and Learning Award.

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Canada needs to improve the support it gives to people with disabilities or health problems in order to help those who can work to find a job, according to a new OECD report.

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'The bargaining team pushed the employer very hard and they understood our members weren’t going to buckle under.'

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Province-wide information picket held to draw attention to concession demands by employer.

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Pay equity will eventually be assured for all LCBO employees under the Pay Equity Act of Ontario.

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'Your bargaining committee feels this remains a very challenging set of negotiations and there is a considerable amount of work still ahead.'

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