This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Twelve environmental groups are calling on Prime Minister Stephen Harper to save Fish Lake, BC, home to 80,000 rainbow trout and sacred to the Tsilhqot’in First Nations. The groups are urging the federal government to heed the findings of its environmental assessment review panel and reject a proposed gold and copper mine that would destroy Fish Lake.

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“Taxpayers expect the government to live up to their responsibility to protect the public interest and safety,” says Darryl Walker, president of the B.C. Government and Service Employees' Union (BCGEU/NUPGE).

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New polling information from Viewpoints Research has found that 84 percent of Winnipeggers want the City of Winnipeg to invest in more ambulance resources.

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Kingston and District Labour Council (KDLC) staged a street theatre production recently to protest the Ontario government's proposed wage freeze and corporate tax cuts.

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The Court’s ruling is the latest chapter in legal process Walmart has dragged out since 2004

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The Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Public and Private Employees (NAPE/NUPGE) has reached a tentative agreement for workers at the Bay St. George Community Employment Corporation (CEC).

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Ontario Court of Appeal upheld that the government had the legal authority to take the surplus when it passed Bill C-78 in 2000.

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Eye-opening website lets employees see the annual cumulative losses a public sector freeze will mean to their personal purchasing power.

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The Health Sciences Association of BC (HSABC/NUPGE) has launched a new TV commercial which points out that health science professionals are a critical part of the modern health care team.  

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Union alleges discrimination, intimidation and targeting of union activists by operator formerly known as Ontario Air Ambulance.

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'It's not good for them, it's not good for the community, it's not good for the justice system and it's not good for the health system.' - Justice Minister Alison Redford of Alberta.

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'With his warmth, friendliness, generosity and wit, Dick touched many lives both inside the labour movement and in the general community.' - Warren (smokey) Thomas.

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Ontario Court of Appeal recognizes importance of access to justice for niqab-wearing women.

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'The Harper government’s priorities are dead wrong.' - NUPGE president James Clancy.

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Annual World Economic Forum study looks at 134 economies around the world.

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