This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“The CPP offers an already existing administrative structure and framework to improve retirement benefits for working Canadians at relatively low cost.”

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Provides fact based response to reports to the anecdotal attacks on the public sector from the Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses (CFIB) and other conservative think tanks.

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Developmental service workers continue to press for decent working conditions through bargaining.

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"Refusing to do our fair share to combat climate change is an abdication of our responsibility as a member of the international community. It's to Canada's shame that the Harper government has chosen to abandon the most vulnerable states to devastating climate impacts", says National Union President, James Clancy.

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"Canada has not lived up to its obligations under international human rights law to prevent, investigate and remedy violence against Aboriginal women and girls.”- Sharon McIvor of FAFIA.

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Statement from the National Executive Board of the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE).

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Scientists and environmental groups have warned the delay to 2020 puts the planet, and people at great risk of irreversible damage from rising temperatures.

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“Canada does not need yet another voluntary tax-assisted retirement savings program. It needs public pensions that provide all Canadians with a basic guarantee of adequate income.”

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RRSP system is one of Canada's most expensive social programs, costing the federal and provincial governments over $17 billion in foregone tax revenue

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Despite mounting evidence of poverty among injured workers, KPMG promotes further cuts that would force more of them to seek social assistance or become homeless.

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HSABC/NUPGE pleased with redesign postponement.

Vancouver (9 Dec. 2011) - In October, the Vancouver Coastal Health announced it was postponing its third of three Working Group Sessions to a later date. It has now announced the session will be delayed into January.

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"Had a meaningful consultative process been engaged to find a solution which meets the concerns of the majority, the present legal action might not have been necessary." - Justice Douglas Campbell

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"The democratic process means involving people in setting the direction that our laws take,” said West Coast Environmental Law Association’s Josh Paterson. “In order to develop environmental legislation that will actually be effective, you need everybody at the table. This process doesn’t come close."

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More than 20 years after the tragic events in Montreal, violence against women continues to be a serious issue in Canada.

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“Getting closer to a collective agreement for our members means we can continue to provide the quality education our young people deserve,” said Jim Steele, chair of the negotiation committee.

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