This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“This has always been a ‘teach only’ campaign,” BCTF President Susan Lambert said. “Teachers are teaching, and students are learning. Throughout this job action, our members have been working 110% and more, as always.”

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“We want to hear what people have to say on a wide-range of issues …. including what needs are going unmet; are public services receiving the investment they need (and) what options other than taxes or user fees could enhance the government’s ability to raise money for public services."

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"We’re here to clean up the oil so that we put people’s interests before those of polluters,” explained Gabrielle Arkett, a member of the Clean-up Crew.

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"Workers are being told to work longer, pay more and receive less," said James Clancy, NUPGE National President. "We stand in solidarity with each and every UNISON member in the fight for decent pensions. Enough is enough."

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Dec. 1 marks World AIDS Day. This year's campaign is about “Getting to Zero": Zero new HIV infections. Zero discrimination. Zero AIDS related deaths.

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"The first thing we should be looking at is tax fairness rather than cutting social programs like Medicare." - Elisabeth Ballerman, CHPS Co-Chair and HSAA President.

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Canada is awarded first place Fossil of the Day for proposing ‘eventual solutions’ for ‘urgent problems’

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“At this year's climate negotiations, Canada is standing on guard for the tar sands. It's shameful and irresponsible that our country negotiates in the interests polluters instead of people,” said Matthew Chisolm at the press briefing.

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New research published by the Tax Justice Network shows that tax evasion costs governments around the world more than US$3.1 trillion annually.

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‘Emerging and developing countries need to stop “wielding the historical guilty card” and asking for a free pass on emissions reductions just because in the past, industrialized countries had more emissions than the rest of the world’ - Minister of Environment, Peter Kent

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Questions arise over the Harper government's true intentions at the Kyoto Protocol negotiations in Durban since the Canadian government is set to withdraw from the process next year.

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Help push back B.C.'s antidemocratic legislation. Fight Bill 18!

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Did you eat any bread today? Maybe a sandwich at lunch? How about a beer after work? If so, you can thank the Canadian Wheat Board.

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"We need to work together to force them to put people before tax cuts and excessive corporate profits." - James Clancy, NUPGE President.

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"A comprehensive, compassionate and sustainable reform of social assistance must place the well-being of all citizens, children and adults alike, at the center of economic planning for the future." - letter to the Commission on the Review of Social Assistance in Ontario.

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