This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

It’s important to let the federal government know that it shouldn’t be abandoning the 750,000 people relying on the Canada Recovery Benefit.

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“Our members, just like the rest of Canadians, have various levels of understanding of privilege and racism. It’s our hope that our backgrounders can help deepen our members’ understanding of the topic and help them to be better allies.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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Larry Brown, President of the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE), of which the MGEU is a Component, congratulated Ross. "The MGEU/NUPGE has always been a leading voice in our family of unions, and we look forward to adding to our strength with Kyle at our table."

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In 2013, a forensic audit by the National Audit Office, Britain’s auditor general, found that the two companies providing electronic monitoring in England and Wales had overcharged the British government by “tens of millions of pounds.”

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“This donation comes at a crucial time when demand for our services is high. The NBU and NUPGE are working with us to make sure New Brunswickers with a mobility disability have the supports and tools they need to live safely and independently through the pandemic.” — Haley Flaro, Ability NB

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“Showing ECEs and child care workers the appreciation and support they deserve is more than a one-day event — it must be core to this system-building project. This includes fair wages and benefits, implementing strategies for training, recruitment, and retention, and giving workers the resources they need to do their jobs.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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"We look forward to receiving your nominations, and hearing all about your awesome co-workers! Thank you for the work that you do on behalf of all Nova Scotians."

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Canada and other countries are struggling to pay the costs of the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures need to reduce emissions that cause climate change. Weak international agreements on taxation aren't just unfair - they're dangerous.

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This year the federal government will issue a statement on International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. Based on previous statements, it will likely be full of fine words. But to eradicate poverty, we need to look past the fine words and focus on the action of the federal government and others who have the power to reduce poverty but are failing to act.

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“I want to thank the team as well as all the members who took the time to study the tentative deal, asks questions and vote.” — Susie Proulx-Daigle, NBU President

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“We’ve been living through this pandemic for a year and a half. There’s no longer any excuse for this kind of ill-prepared, knee-jerk decision-making around public health." — Sharon Friess, Chair of SGEU’s Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority bargaining unit

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"We are in solidarity with the Colombian people, with Colombian workers, in particular with the organizations that are affiliated to Public Services International.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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Sarah Wright-Gilbert, a member of the Transit Commission, stated that, “Compounding the frustration is the tangled web that is the public-private-partnership (P3) between the city of Ottawa and RTG. It has created a ‘pass the buck’ environment of secrecy, lacking any semblance of transparency or acting in the public’s interest.”

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"As we approach the second winter of this pandemic, the impacts on mental health are increasing and demand immediate action. Mental health and well-being have long been ignored or met with caring words, followed by little else. This World Mental Health Day, we are demanding governments show their commitment through action! The pandemic has greatly harmed the mental health of many. As a society, we must take on the challenge of providing support to those struggling with mental health issues." ― Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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"Congratulations to all the winners of our 2021 scholarships. All entries were excellent and showcased the impressive abilities and wide interests of Canadian students. We wish the winners and entrants the best of luck as they pursue their education and eventual careers.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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