This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

The fact that someone revealed in the Panama Papers as “Canada's top offshore middleman” has not faced charges more than 5 years later confirms that there is a lot more that need to be done to ensure that the wealthy and large corporations pay their share of taxes.

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The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) is supporting Journalists for Human Rights in their efforts to evacuate journalists from Afghanistan following the rise to power of the Taliban.

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"All workers in B.C. deserve respect and a wage that keeps pace with the high cost of living in this province, and at the end of the day that's what this dispute was about. I would like to thank and congratulate everyone on the bargaining committee for the long hours they put in to get this deal, and for standing as an example for all working people." — Stephanie Smith, BCGEU President

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“NUPGE’s Leadership Development School is an important part of labour education for our activists. Conducting the school online does limit some networking potential, but the issues facing our leaders cannot wait until after the pandemic.” ― NUPGE President, Larry Brown

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New research, and the lived experiences of people around the world, show that economic inequality is a driving force of climate change — and the climate crisis is, in turn, having disproportionate impacts on marginalized and vulnerable communities. In the context of the COP26 summit currently underway, this relationship underscores the need for radical action that addresses both the climate and inequality crises.

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Photo of a poppy field in summer
Photo courtesy of Laurentiu Iordache.


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"So, today, we salute those who have chosen to make helping others their life's work, not only for their dedication and commitment, but for the way they walk into difficult situations trying to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others. Thank you for everything you do." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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"There have been no jobs for Hadashville, nothing has filled that void, and we’re back to square one with a site that’s been sitting empty and should have been growing trees this entire time to regenerate our forests.” — MGEU President, Kyle Ross

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“The bottom line is this poll shows that British Columbians agree with what our members have been saying for years,” said Smith. “If we are serious about protecting our communities, economies, and ecosystems, it’s time to radically rethink our entire wildfire service model, including how we recruit and retain top quality, professional wildfire fighters.” — Stephanie Smith, BCGEU President

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Sign the petition organized by Migrant Workers Alliance for Change and send a message to Prime Minister Trudeau, calling on the federal government to open a pathway for all migrants, including refugees and undocumented people, to obtain permanent residency without unfair work and language requirements.

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Earlier this month, NUPGE organized a webinar called “COP26: What does it mean for workers?” The webinar gave an overview of what is COP, why it matters, and what it means for workers — in Canada and globally.

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“The Premier has pledged to fix health care, and it is critical that we remember that long-term care and home care are a part of health care. They cannot be neglected any longer." — Jason MacLean, NSGEU President

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Many British Columbians, lack access to rehabilitative care that can help them recover from COVID-19, avoid developing other debilitating chronic diseases or help self-manage conditions that can lead to hospitalization or require surgery. Improving public access to rehabilitative care will go a long way in addressing health equity. 

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Days away from the United Nations climate conference, we are at a critical juncture. Now is the time to bridge Canada's credibility gap and take action.

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"Our members continue to deliver public health care and social care services throughout the pandemic and other crises, and under extremely challenging circumstances. They have come to be seen as heroes. And they deserve this recognition and our thanks, but they also deserve decent work. That means investment in quality public and social services, which will benefit us all." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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