This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“Our union remains committed to protecting public pensions and ensuring the government lives up to its promise to protect them as well." — Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU President

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“At the start of a new year, we like to count our blessings. This agency, and the caring and dedicated staff who help some very vulnerable members of our community, are a blessing to society, and I know they’re a great addition to our OPSEU/NUPGE family." — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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Magistrates labelled the evidence against Hassan Diab “full of contradictions and imprecision.”

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Whether you’ve been working on pension issues for years or are still thinking about getting involved, the information in the webinars will be helpful.

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Successive federal governments have talked tough on crime, terrorism and tax avoidance, while doing nothing to change weak rules about transparency for corporate ownership that facilitated those activities. While more is needed, it is encouraging to see governments recognizing the need to shut down the snow haven.

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“We congratulate our OPSEU/NUPGE organizers for this historic organizing victory. We know that one of the best ways to stop the scourge of income inequality, and the growth of unfair low-waged jobs, is to increase and improve the rights and power of precarious workers to organize and bargain collectively.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“Labour speaks with one voice when we call on Tim Hortons and all employers across Ontario to respect the province’s labour laws and the long-overdue increase in the minimum wage. To have owners of such a profitable company punish their loyal workers for an increase in the minimum wage is reprehensible and all citizens should take notice.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“We work in volatile and violent workplaces. We find that giving back to the community is an effective means to cope with the daily stress we face. This outreach keeps us focused on the reason we do what we do every day.” — Chris Jackel, OPSEU's correctional bargaining chair

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“By creating a subsidiary entity of Alberta Health Services (AHS) covering lab services province-wide, this government has created a further division in public health care in Alberta." — Trudy Thomson, HSAA Vice-President, and laboratory technologist

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Shutting down Quick Care Clinics at the same time as ERs are closing doesn't make sense for patients.

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This review provides an important opportunity to fix how the provincial government oversees industry's activities on the land base, so that the environment and the public interest are better protected.

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"This partnership with the BC Centre on Substance Use supports social workers, who are critical members of the multidisciplinary care team, to lead research on the clinical approaches to addictions care." — Val Avery, HSABC President

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 The deadline for applications and essays is July 6, 2018. 

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PEI UPSE/NUPGE’s bursary and scholarship program helps reduce some of the economic burden that students face. 

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After the retrofit, the Northern Sea Wolf, a 17-year-old vessel, will accommodate approximately 3,500 passengers and 1,200 vehicles each year on a route between Port Hardy and Bella Coola.

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