This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“Banning paid blood donations across the country is the right thing to do. We are calling on the federal health minister to take action. We support provincial campaigns for legislation but recognize they are needed only because of continuing federal inaction” – Larry Brown, President of NUPGE

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"If 1,000 of our members did this, it would equal $25,000 to NBAFB." — Susie Proulx-Daigle, NBU President

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The government is closing its Provincial Services office in Killarney, and the jobs of the affected members will be transferred to Winnipeg. Send the Premier a message; tell him to keep the Killarney office open.

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“Algoma University has dragged their feet for 22 months, avoiding substantive issues at the bargaining table such as fair wages. We have been ready to bargain this whole time, and now there is not a lot of time left." — Pelham Matthews, OPSEU bargaining chair for Algoma faculty

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“Next to government neglect, this attempt to use the Canadian Charter to kill public health care is the biggest threat to medicare in Canada. It’s time that governments wake up to the threat of private health care and take steps to protect our public health care system.” — Elisabeth Ballermann, NUPGE Secretary-Treasurer

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What’s needed is for governments to provide community services with adequate funding. And a first step would be to ask the wealthy and large corporations to pay their share of taxes — instead of allowing them to profit from the misfortune of others by investing in social impact bonds.

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Vancouver (06 April 2018) — Tonie Beharrell, of the Health Sciences Association of B.C.'s  legal department, presented the union's submission to the government’s Labour Relations Code review panel in March. The submission outlines 14 recommendations regarding reform to the Labour Relations Code.

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"We are pleased to welcome our new members under Broadmead's umbrella and look forward to supporting them in the important work they do in their community." — Stephanie Smith, BCGEU President

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“Canadians should not be complacent about giving radical new powers to national security agencies, especially when C-59 has been pitched as a ‘fix’ of the old law." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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Care about the future of developmental services in Ontario? Join OPSEU/NUPGE members to help send a message that increased funding and stable working conditions are needed now.

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“Our union continues to grow in the private sector. Workers see our union as a champion for their rights, better pay and benefits, improved health and safety standards, and for better overall working conditions.” — Jerry Earle, NAPE President

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The smiles on the faces of patients and their families make the long days and hard work in Ecuador worth it. In Ecuador, there is a financial cost to medical care, one that many cannot afford. It is both rewarding and humbling to use their skills to help those people truly in need.

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“It’s good to have a government that is taking a comprehensive view of what needs to be done to reduce surgical wait times, and that realizes this extends to reducing wait times for related diagnostic procedures like MRI.” — Val Avery, HSABC President

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Halifax (03 April 2018) — On March 29, the Liberal McNeil government tabled legislation, Bill No. 107, that will amend the Labour Standards Code to include the right to unpaid leave if a worker or a worker's child/dependent is a victim of domestic violence. 

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“Privatization and heavy workloads are both huge issues at Children’s Aid Societies across Ontario. Holding strong for an agreement that addresses both of these issues is a huge victory for both the people who provide children’s aid services, and the children and families who depend on them.” — Chrisy Tremblay, a member of the Local 454 bargaining team and the Vice-Chair of OPSEU’s CAS sector

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