This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

"We know that discrimination against people with disabilities is compounded when they are faced with additional forms of oppression, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, classism and colonialism. We cannot talk about one without addressing the others." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“I’m not sure if I’m angrier that they’re rigging job evaluations or that they’re doing it to hurt women who are already among their lowest-paid employees." — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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NUPGE demands the Prime Minister kill Bill C-89 because it is a violation of postal workers' Charter rights
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NUPGE unequivocally stands in solidarity with the members of UNIFOR and all workers employed at GM’s Oshawa Assembly plant.

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This is not the first Special Operating Agency to be shut down by the Pallister government. The Green Manitoba Eco Solutions agency was shuttered, and the Pineland Forest Nursery will end operations by the end of the year.

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Let's continue to put the health of our communities and public safety before profits. Let’s keep Churchill’s Liquor Mart public! Please sign the petition.

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“Our new members have given themselves the power to improve working conditions and have a real voice in the workplace. They made a very smart choice." — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President.

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The secrecy that accompanies privatization schemes also makes it a lot harder to figure out when there are serious problems.

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"It’s all part of a bigger plan to pay for whopping tax cuts for his friends on the backs of minorities and the most vulnerable people in our province." — Hervé Cavanagh, Chair of OPSEU’s Francophone Committee.

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Union sees need to enhance online resources with added walk in service.

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“We are calling on the federal government to allow for a fair process by encouraging workers and the employer to come to an agreement that works for everyone. This back-to-work legislation is a clear violation of workers’ Charter rights. CUPW successfully fought to have this right explicitly upheld by the Supreme Court.” — Hassan Yussuff, CLC President

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Despite the government’s rhetoric that improved labour laws were “job killers,” Thomas pointed to the latest Statistics Canada data that shows employment in Ontario increased by 1.2 per cent since last October.

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"We have a provincial government fixated on cutting and privatizing public services and now they might replace the Civil Service Act?  What does that mean for public services. such as water testing, highway improvements, or crime protection to name a few?” — Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU President

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Canadians for Tax Fairness has continually advocated for the CRA to crack down on large tax avoidance operations, larger corporations and the wealthy and to stop being so heavy handed with less wealthy individuals, charities, and small businesses.

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There is good reason to fear that the growing use of private firefighters and inmates could be seen as a way to avoid funding public services at the level required to respond to climate change.

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