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Peterborough Regional Health Centre to freeze wages for clerical staff: OPSEU

“I’m not sure if I’m angrier that they’re rigging job evaluations or that they’re doing it to hurt women who are already among their lowest-paid employees." — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

Toronto (03 Dec. 2018) — Global TV is reporting on the wage freeze the Peterborough Regional Health Centre is trying to impose on the women who do clerical work at the hospital.

Wage freeze hurts lowest-paid workers and community 

Warren (Smokey) Thomas, President of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU/NUPGE), has vowed to fight the freeze, which is being imposed through a "rigged" job evaluation process.

“I’m not sure if I’m angrier that they’re rigging job evaluations or that they’re doing it to hurt women who are already among their lowest-paid employees,” said Thomas. “Either way, it’s corrupt, it’s misogynistic and we’re going to stop it.”

“We’re worried for our membership.This could negatively impact our members, their families and friends in the community," said Dani Steenburgh, President of OPSEU Local 345.

The Peterborough Examiner is also covering the story.

"It's just about one of the worst things I've seen an employer do," Thomas told the Examiner, adding that "at the very minimum" the union will file grievances.

"It's absolutely unbelievable," he said. "I wish I could say it's a mistake on the part of the employer… It's unconscionable."