This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

"While there are some positive promises in this federal budget, it does not go nearly far enough to deliver on those things that Canadians most desperately need right now." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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So, to Finance Minister Steeves and Premier Higgs, the NBU/NUPGE is willing to work with you, but that requires meaningful dialogue and a willingness to compromise not just on the union's part, but on the government's as well. — New Brunswick Union 

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Show your support for accessible education for all students by emailing your MPP!

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“You can’t replace the knowledge these people provide to the public with an online system." — Bob Bymoen, SGEU President

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The BC Government & Service Employees' Union (BCGEU/NUPGE) stands in support of the Association of Legal Aid Lawyers (ALL) and their strike vote.

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“Our members at ParaMed Home Health Care want what we all want: a level playing field and a fair shot at success." — Eduardo (Eddy) Almeida, OPSEU First Vice-President/Treasurer

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“Once again, the government is making sweeping changes without any regard for the people who use these services, or the people who deliver them.” — Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU President

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“I’ve said repeatedly that not filling a job is really a job cut so like every one of Ford’s promises you have to read the fine print.” — Warren (Smokey) Thomas 

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“Nurses at this meeting reported that their new norm is being over capacity at 150 per cent, working 2 nurses short on a unit, and being told by their managers to ‘tough it out.’ This is simply unacceptable." — Jason MacLean, NSGEU President

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"Today's news is a real victory for home support workers and the B.C. seniors who rely on their care. Bringing these workers into the health authorities will finally address the precarious nature of contract-based work with private providers and will enable more of a team-based multi-disciplinary approach to providing care at home." - Stephanie Smith, BCGEU president

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When money gives the wealthiest 1% that kind of power, the rest of us are second-class citizens. Stopping the wealthy from buying their way to the front of the line means reducing income inequality.  And a crucial step to reducing income inequality is ensuring large corporations and the wealthy pay their share of taxes.

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“Jason Kenney cannot be trusted with Alberta’s health care. In this election, we need to vote like our health care depends on it. Because it does.” — Mike Parker, HSAA President

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“This tax cut is coming at the expense of our hospitals, our colleges, and our roads.” — Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU President

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One click, one post, one answer could get you $1,000! 

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“More than 70 per cent of the people who provide health care in this province are women. It speaks volumes that 60 per cent of the board members overseeing their work are men," — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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