This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Thomas notes there is a lot of stress in higher education and many students with mental health concerns depend on the counselling.

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“It’s strange that on the one hand, the government is asking MLL to generate more profit, while on the other hand taking away the corporation’s ability to do that by sending more profit to private retailers."— Michelle Gawrornsky, MGEU President

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"By creating this fund, the union is playing an active role in the continued development of skills and tools members need to meet the changing and challenging practice of psychiatric nursing." — Val Avery, HSABC President

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"This attempt to block much-needed reform to a sector in crisis and to better support home support workers is appalling. We realize the business interests of the BCCPA will be affected by this change, but it's time to put the well-being of people over profit and address the damage resulting from almost 20 years of privatization and underfunding in the sector." — Stephanie Smith, BCGEU President

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HSABC/NUPGE sees these as long-overdue reforms and welcomes the news to see the government take these first steps to restoring balance and fairness for working people. While these reforms do not cover everything — this is only the start — HSABC/NUPGE will continue to advocate for more changes going forward.

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“I’ve yet to come across a poll in which Ontarians say Doug Ford is headed in the right direction. Polls may be just a snapshot, but there are enough snapshots of unhappy Ontarians to fill a photo album.” — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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“Time after time, Leo showed an unshakeable commitment to the workers he represented, including a willingness to make significant personal sacrifices when needed” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President.

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“These members care deeply about helping support seniors who are facing homelessness, and now they’ve got one of the province’s biggest and most powerful unions to help them do their valuable work." — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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The agreement includes wage increases, improved holiday entitlements, modified hours of work, flex time, a streamlined step-advancement process, and additional personal leave allowances.

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What links tax havens to flooding and wildland fires is the response we hear all too often when money is needed to respond to climate change — "there isn’t the money."

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“There’s more to it than just providing an affordable place to live. If you take away the consistency that Manitoba Housing provides by offering these other supports, people may no longer have what they need to get by." — Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU President

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As it stands now, Canada protects its citizens who work outside of our country but does not offer that same protection for those non-Canadians who work for Canadian companies.

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NUPGE stands with the Quebec public sector employees impacted by this ban and those aspiring to pursue a career in the public sector who will be impacted in the future: hardworking employees who are part of our communities, and who deliver quality public services every day to the citizens of Quebec.

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"Being part of HSABC/NUPGE will ensure that we can continue to provide excellent service to families across BC.” — Mridula Ivy Morgan, a parent coach with the CMHA's Confident Parent Thriving Kids Program

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“We’ve looked at the cold hard numbers, and they show that privatization has made liquor more expensive for Saskatchewan people." — Bob Stadnichuk, Chair of SGEU’s Retail/Regulatory Bargaining Committee

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