This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“We continue to grow as a union in this sector and it’s because workers are recognizing the strength we have across the province representing child and family services workers.” — Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU President

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“We are asking the public to drive with awareness and if they see a vehicle with lights at the side of the road, to please slow down and move over. These roads are their workplaces and we all have a responsibility to keep them safe.” — Jason MacLean, NSGEU President

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"The Sask Party government has to stop with the talk and start providing proper resources before things deteriorate further." — Bob Bymoen, SGEU President

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Response times, compliance records and financial statements don't sound like intellectual property, but it is information New Brunswickers should be able to access. This way, they can understand if the service is being run properly.

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“How can the employer ask its workers to take a $20,000 pay cut when it’s given its CEO a $20,000 pay hike?" — Len Mancini, OPSEU Local 216 bargaining committee Chair

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"We know that AFSME, and public sector workers across the United States, will defend themselves and the services they provide against this political attack on workers' rights. We are with them in this fight, today, and in the coming days. Our work continues." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“It took some time for the employer to come around, but eventually they got the message that Local 152 members were serious about equity and clarity.” — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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If private prison companies can’t be trusted to house people convicted of crimes, why on earth are they being trusted to look after children?

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“Even though the work we do is incredibly important, it has been sadly neglected by the government. By mobilizing our members and building alliances with community groups, we forced the previous provincial government to commit to a base funding increase to our agencies." — Erin Smith-Rice, the Chair of OPSEU’s Developmental Services Sector.

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New members join NSGEU/NUPGE to bring democracy and respect to the workplace.

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"This truly is a ground-breaking deal that will help achieve fairness for casino workers across the industry." — Stephanie Smith, BCGEU President

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[This] announcement, while flashy, has left more questions than answers. There is one thing for certain, every community in Nova Scotia must now be asking themselves: are we next?" — Jason MacLean, NSGEU President

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The message to the employer — and on the ballot — was that the offer is only accepted on the condition that the MGEU/NUPGE continue to fight Bill 28, The Public Services Sustainability Act.

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“The government is unwilling to agree to reasonable improvements in the collective agreement that would give workers and their families a little more economic security.” — Barry Nowoselsky, Chair of the Public Service/Government Employment (PS/GE) negotiating committee

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“NUPGE’s pension webinars provide our members with the tools and information they need to protect and improve our members’ pensions.” — Elisabeth Ballermann, NUPGE Secretary-Treasurer

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