This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information.
“We are asking the public to drive with awareness and if they see a vehicle with lights at the side of the road, to please slow down and move over. These roads are their workplaces and we all have a responsibility to keep them safe.” — Jason MacLean, NSGEU President
Halifax (04 July 2018) — The Nova Scotia Government and General Employees Union (NSGEU/NUPGE) and the Public Service Commission are partnering on a social media campaign to raise awareness of the need to slow down and move over for public service vehicles at the side of the road.
Slow Down, Move Over campaign highlights need for drivers to move over for more than ambulances and police
“We are pleased to be working with the commission on this campaign,” said Jason MacLean, NSGEU President. “It means the campaign will be broader, reach more Nova Scotians and visitors and be more effective. This in turn will improve safety for our members who may work on the side of the road.”
The Slow Down, Move Over campaign will focus on some of the less familiar kinds of vehicles people need to move over for and will link to twitter hashtags, #KeepThemSafe and #SlowDownMoveOver. It also points out that people working at the side of the road may be your neighbour, a member of your family, or a friend.
Keeping the public and workers safe
“We’re happy to partner with the NSGEU/NUPGE to bring attention to an issue that is important to us both — keeping workers safe,” said Laura Lee Langley, Public Service Commissioner. “People already know to move over for emergency vehicles, but this campaign serves as a reminder that many people’s work can take them to the side of a busy highway and their lives depend on drivers taking caution.”
The NSGEU/NUPGE and the Public Service Commission have plans to continue this campaign through the summer and will include images of vehicles driven by conservation officers, deputy sheriffs, motor vehicle officers, correctional officers, and wildfire crews to familiarize the public with the look of these vehicles and to highlight the faces behind the wheels of these vehicles. The campaign will wrap up sometime after the busy Labour Day weekend.
“We are asking the public to drive with awareness and if they see a vehicle with lights at the side of the road, to please slow down and move over. These roads are their workplaces and we all have a responsibility to keep them safe,” said MacLean.