This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

"A fair tax system would address income and wealth inequality, enable governments to pay down debt, and create a healthier economy for all." — Debbie Bovyer, PEIUPSE President.

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“The Canadian government has made us proud many times for taking leading international stands for basic human decency and dignity, and we’re confident that it will do so again by strongly supporting the right to strike during next month’s ILO meeting," says NUPGE National President James Clancy.

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Following five days of mediation, and a strong strike vote, workers reached a tentative agreement with Protrans BC. 

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"It’s reckless for the government to not reconsider its plans for privatization and the resulting loss of revenue considering the increasing local economic pressures on the province.” — Donna Christianson, Chair of SGEU's Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority bargaining unit.

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Four awards of $1,500 given each year to children of NUPGE members.

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"Too many tax dollars are being stuffed in the pockets of the private sector when the evidence shows that public service workers can achieve the same results cheaper and fairer.” — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President.

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"Good health is not just about access to physical activities, it is about providing families with access to healthy food, secure housing, decent education and good jobs." — James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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Provincial tour gives members face-to-face time with NBU President.

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“Health is a human right and is not for sale or for trade. The health system exists to keep our families safe and healthy, not to ensure the profits of large corporations.” — Rosa Pavanelli, General Secretary, Public Services International.

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“Even though they work in an often hostile environment, they shouldn’t have to fear for their safety at work.” — Joan Jessome, NSGEU President.

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Community Living BC workers negotiate improvements to collective agreement.

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Calls for clemency for Leonard Peltier are coming from Canada and the United States, and from around the world.

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“If mandatory testing and documentation were part of the design approval process, they wouldn’t need to issue this order now." — Stephanie Smith, BCGEU President.

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"During this month of February, we celebrate the contributions Canadians of African and Caribean descent have made to our communities. But we commit to working with our allies to fight for lasting equality and justice for all." — James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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"This anti-poverty report comes at the perfect time — right before a federal election — to hold the government to account for its inaction on the biggest challenge our country is facing." says James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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