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OPSEU/SEFPO part-time College Support workers reach tentative agreement

"The theme going into this round was ‘bargaining for better,’ and I’m proud to say that’s exactly what we were able to do." — Lisa Lavigne, OPSEU/SEFPO chair of the part-time college support bargaining team.

Toronto (09 July 2021) — After negotiating improvements to their contract, the bargaining team representing  part-time college support workers who are members of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU/SEFPO/NUPGE) has obtained a tentative agreement.

Agreement reached despite push for cuts by employer

“I’d like to congratulate the bargaining team for keeping a laser-focus on the priorities of their members and negotiating some solid improvements,” said Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU/SEFPO President. “The employer had a long list of cuts and concessions they wanted us to accept, but I’m proud to say that the team held firm against each and every one of them.”

The tentative agreement was reached late on June 25 after a 12-hour session. The previous contract for the roughly 16,000 part-time support workers at the province’s 24 community colleges expired on January 31, 2021.

Details of the tentative agreement won’t be released until OPSEU/SEFPO’s members in part-time college support have had a chance to review.

“OPSEU/SEFPO/NUPGE knows from hard experience that the College Employer Council can be tough negotiators,” said Eduardo (Eddy) Almeida, OPSEU/SEFPO First Vice-President/Treasurer. “I’m pleased and impressed, but not surprised, that this bargaining team was able to get right down to business and get a deal done.”

The date of the ratification vote will be announced soon.

Bargaining for better

“The theme going into this round was ‘bargaining for better,’ and I’m proud to say that’s exactly what we were able to do,” said Lisa Lavigne, the chair of the part-time college support bargaining team. “We are recommending our members vote in favour of this deal because it will mean better for students, better for workers, and better for the economic recovery of the province.”

The bargaining team includes Chair Lisa Lavigne (Local 349), Vice-Chair Nour Askandar (Local 557), Dale Gartshore (Local 124), Rick Townend (Local 109), Denis Martinez (Local 561), Julie Davis (Local 351), Doreen Follett (Local 416), and Heather Petrie (OPSEU/SEFPO negotiator).