This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

NUPGE 2021 Federal Election Guide: Fair Recovery

Whether we have a fair recovery will depend on whether the federal government we elect on September 20 is willing to learn from the mistakes of the last 30 years. Will the government assume handouts for corporations will be enough, or will it seek to lift everyone up with improved public services, stronger labour rights, and by tackling barriers that have held back women, racialized Canadians, Indigenous people, and people with disabilities?

Ottawa (17 Sept. 2021) — The federal election has been called and voter's will be going to the polls on Sept. 20. 

"While we may not have wanted this election now, we are here. And we need to take it seriously. There are huge stakes in electing a new government," said Larry Brown, President of the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE). 

To help guide people through the many issues being discussed, NUPGE has examined the top 4 parties' platforms and are providing summaries in the form of election guides. We will be launching them every day until election day. 

The twelfth in our series is Fair Recovery.

Fair recovery page 1

fair recovery fact sheet