This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

New MGEU ad tells government to stop playing games with privatization

“When they sell-off a public service, private shareholders skim some of the money off the top to make a profit. This money should be going towards things like health care and education." — Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU President

Winnipeg (15 May 2018) — The Manitoba Government and General Employees' Union (MGEU/NUPGE) launches its new anti-privatization advertising reminding Manitobans that when the government contracts out jobs and privatizes vital public services, we lose valuable public assets and we can never get them back.

When governments privatize quality public services and eliminate good jobs, shareholder interests trump public concern

“The Pallister government is slowly selling off our vital public services and it’s the average Manitoban who loses out when the government puts profits over people,” says Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU President. “When they sell-off a public service, private shareholders skim some of the money off the top to make a profit. This money should be going towards things like health care and education. Instead, it’s going to corporate shareholders and often that money is leaving the province.”

As part of the MGEU’s Keep Us Together campaign, the new TV and online ads respond to a continued push from the Pallister government to privatize our public services. Over the past few months, this has included Lifeflight Air Ambulance, provincial water bombers, provincial infrastructure maintenance, vital home care services, and our provincial reforestation nursery.











Public services suffer under privatization

“Now is the time to speak up against privatizing our public services,” Gawronsky said. “When corporations need to make a profit to deliver our services, there’s every incentive for them to cut corners on quality, charge user fees and even skimp on safety — so the service we receive suffers. Privatization is a bad deal for Manitobans. We have to say no to privatization to keep those jobs and keep those services here in Manitoba.”

To send the Premier a message, and to see the new video ad, and to share the campaign message on social media, visit