This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Instructors at Maritime College of Forest Technology need to unionize

NBU/NUPGE encourages instructors to reach out to discuss joining the NBU/NUPGE so they will have someone standing up for them and defending their rights in the workplace.

Fredericton (08 July 2019) — The recent firing of 2 instructors at the Maritime College of Forest Technology (MCFT) underscores the need for employees to organize.

Both Rod Cumberland, a full-time instructor, and Gerald Redmond, a former director of MCFT and a part-time instructor, were let go. News reports have speculated that Cumberland was let go because of his opposition to the use of glyphosate in the forestry industry. Click here to read the CBC story. 

Concern College may be pressured by forest industry

The MCFT has said the reasons for Cumberland’s dismissal are that, as per a letter sent to him, “he prevented students from attending his class because they were late, insisted that they remove their hats in class, and made disparaging remarks in the community about the college, its director, and some fellow instructors.”

Redmond was let go the day after he spoke out against Cumberland’s firing claiming the MCFT likely did it because of Cumberland’s outspokenness regarding glyphosate.

The New Brunswick Union (NBU/NUPGE) believes all institutes of higher learning are places for the free flow of ideas and should allow for a differing points of view. The union sincerely hopes the MCFT isn’t being pressured by those in the forestry industry to shut down a dissenting voice.

Union representation supports employees looking for fair treatment

The NBU/NUPGE represents instructors in both the French and English provincial community college system. Every day, they challenge their students to think independently, work hard, and become the next generation of leaders in our province. 

The NBU/NUPGE vehemently defends their rights. It also makes sure the employer follows the collective agreement that has been agreed to by both parties and covers various issues, including layoffs. 

The union believes that the recent actions at MCFT demonstrates why instructors at the college need to organize in order to protect themselves and their jobs. NBU/NUPGE encourages them to reach out to discuss joining the NBU/NUPGE, so they will have someone standing up for them and defending their rights in the workplace.