This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information.
'We are hoping to have things up and running by late September.'
Vancouver (7 June 2006) - The Facilities Bargaining Association committee, responsible for developing and implementing a $5-million education fund that health care unions won in their recent contract settlement, has had its first meeting.
The British Columbia Government and Service Employees' Union (BCGEU/NUPGE) reports that progress has been made in developing acceptable criteria to be followed. A coordinator is being hired to finalize the process. The hiring will be done soon and work by the committee will continue in the interim, the union says.
"As more information is available it will be provided to you on the website and other forms of communication," the union adds. "We are hoping to have things up and running by late September." NUPGE
More information:
• Barbara Offen, 604-291-9611 or 1-800-663-1674