This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

This Community Services Workers Appreciation Day, November 6, NUPGE is encouraging people to talk about the importance of these services and what can be done to reduce the tremendous pressure workers in the sector face.

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A roundtable on post-traumatic stress disorder being held in Ottawa is benefiting from the participation of Vince Savoia and actor Enrico Colantoni. 

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A roundtable on post-traumatic stress disorder being held in Ottawa is benefiting from the participation of Vince Savoia and actor Enrico Colantoni. 

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Tell your candidates you support public long-term care services! Sign the letter. 

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“We know when staff aren’t safe that means the patients aren’t safe either." — OPSEU President Warren (Smokey) Thomas

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“Without events like this, we'd never reach our goal, which is why our partnership with MGEU/NUPGE has been so very important.” — Mandy Dubois, executive director, Portage Plains United Way

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Health Science professionals: connecting us all to better health care. 

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“This lack of disclosure makes us wonder if the government truly is sincere when they say they want to work with unions to find cost savings." — Joan Jessome, NSGEU President 

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“Our hope is that people will call on their government representatives to take responsibility for their actions." — Bob Bymoen, SGEU President

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“It’s very important that our paramedics continue to be recognized for their vital and expanding role in our health care system." — MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky

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"We feel this contract is beneficial for all involved. We were pleased with the process to arrive at this point." — NBU President Susie Proulx-Daigle

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“Once again, health care managers are treating patients as the problem, rather than investigating how the health region can improve access to long term care beds. How is this approach putting patients first?” — Karen Wasylenko, President Health Sciences Association of Saskatchewan

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"Ontarians now know the Hydro One privatization will cost them hundreds of millions a year. If they had that information last spring, you can be sure that the attempt to privatize Hydro One would have been dead in the water." — James Clancy, NUPGE National President

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“Our members have ratified the agreement, but they’ve lost all trust in a government that has no respect for OPS employees or the valuable work they do." — Warren (Smokey) Thomas

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“The loss of public revenue from reduced sales at BC Liquor Stores is also worrying. Those revenues pay for health, social services, education and other public services." — Stephanie Smith, BCGEU President

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