This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

After MGEU/NUPGE members flooded the legislative gallery on December 1, 2015 creating a sea of red T-shirts that said “Still Without a Contract,” the employer finally agreed to return to the table.

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“Governments across Canada and around the world claim that P3s are innovative and more efficient, but the real-world experience has shown the opposite to be true in an alarming number of cases. It’s good to see the current government recognize that and take a step back from the process to re-evaluate." — NAPE President Jerry Earle

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Three out of five health authorities are providing fewer hours of home support, while the seniors' population is growing in four out of their five areas.

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"Kennedy House says it cannot afford wage increases, but non-unionized staff and management received big bonuses the past two Christmases." — Dave Ramphal, OPSEU, Local 361 bargaining team chair

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“I’m delighted the Premier has turned her mind to the intolerable situation in Saudi Arabia. But what’s she going to do about the pain she’s inflicted on Ontario’s colleges? That’s where this whole mess started” — Warren (Smokey) Thomas

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“We’re disappointed with the government’s decision to sign on and have outlined the many problems that we see with this very broad-reaching agreement," — CLC President Hassan Yussuff

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Profit-driven corporations that buy blood are the health care equivalent to the parasites behind the payday loan industry, shamelessly preying on the most vulnerable. — James Clancy, NUPGE Natonal President

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"This kind of endorsed discrimination against women is never okay, and certainly not in 2016. For a government that claims it wants to close the wage gap between men and women, it’s highly problematic that it won’t allow women into two of its colleges." — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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Members "want to have a chance to negotiate with their employer, have their issues heard, and vote on an agreement that hasn’t been dictated to them by Premier McNeil." — Joan Jessome, NSGEU President

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The incident once again raises serious concerns about chronic overcrowding and increasing violence at B.C.’s provincial prisons. 

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"Now it's time for the membership to study the tentative agreement and vote." — Susie Proulx-Daigle, NBU President

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"Let me be clear — your union will stand up for you, your families, your jobs, and the vital public services that you deliver to the people of the province every day." — Jerry Earle, NAPE President

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"We celebrate Rhonda when we honour her name in this way, but we also honour the lake where we can now celebrate her spirit.” — Les Saskowski, Local 9 President, The Pas Correctional Centre

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"We're facing a reality where 62 people have more wealth than the rest of the world combined and one of the biggest ways these people get, and stay, rich is by avoiding paying taxes." — James Clancy, NUPGE National President

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OPSEU’s Public is Better campaign features radio ads, online advertising, and an animated video that tells what’s happening to hospitals right now.

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