This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

NUPGE donates to Fiona relief efforts

In the immediate aftermath of the storm hitting Atlantic Canada, NUPGE issued a statement of solidarity and extended condolences to all who have suffered loss and damage. NUPGE called on the federal government to immediately step forward and commit to helping the people of the Atlantic provinces rebuild. Yesterday, the federal government announced an aid package(link is external).

Ottawa (05 Oct. 2022) — The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) is donating $50,000 to the Canadian Red Cross to support the Hurricane Fiona relief efforts. The storm hit the Atlantic provinces on September 23 and caused extensive damage and destruction, with thousands of residents still without power today.

Devastating impacts

"The damage and suffering in Atlantic Canada caused by the post-tropical storm has been devastating," Jason MacLean, NUPGE's Secretary-Treasurer, wrote to the Red Cross.

NUPGE has numerous members in the affected region, including MacLean and President Bert Blundon.

"4 of our Component unions are based in the Atlantic provinces," MacLean noted. "Importantly, our members are also among those whose job it is to assist their communities in times of crisis."

NUPGE and Components showing solidarity

In the immediate aftermath of the storm hitting Atlantic Canada, NUPGE issued a statement of solidarity and extended condolences to all who have suffered loss and damage. NUPGE called on the federal government to immediately step forward and commit to helping the people of the Atlantic provinces rebuild. Yesterday, the federal government announced an aid package(link is external).

Now NUPGE is also doing its part to support the emergency response by donating $50,000 to the Red Cross to aid in the relief efforts. One of NUPGE's Component unions, the Manitoba Government and General Employees' Union (MGEU/NUPGE), has also donated $15,000 from its Humanitarian Fund to the Red Cross.