This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Striking school support workers in Annapolis Valley win wage parity

“In the face of unprecedented inflation, when many people are struggling to make ends meet, these workers stood together to demand what was right and fair, and together, they were able to achieve parity for their sector.” — Sandra Mullin, NSGEU President

Halifax (09 Nov. 2022) — Striking school support workers in Annapolis Valley, who are members of the Nova Scotia Government and General Empoyees' Union (NSGEU/NUPGE) voted by 92.3% to accept the new tentative agreement being recommended to them by their bargaining committee. The new agreement achieves what members were asking for: wage parity with workers doing the same job elsewhere in the province.

“These members have finally achieved a long-overdue and important breakthrough by securing wage parity,” said Sandra Mullen, NSGEU President. “In the face of unprecedented inflation, when many people are struggling to make ends meet, these workers stood together to demand what was right and fair, and together, they were able to achieve parity for their sector.”

School Support workers will be leveled up to the highest rates of pay over the life of the contract

Highlights of the deal include economic adjustments of 1.5% (April 1, 2021), 1.5% (April 1, 2022), 3% (April 1, 2023) and 0.5% (March 31, 2024).

Additionally, there will be an advance payment towards parity of 1.5% effective the date of ratification to every “qualified” or “partially qualified” employee in the bargaining unit who is not already highest paid in the province.

Any classifications paid less than $20/hr will receive a $1/hr increase, or more than a 5% raise, effective April 1, 2023 if they are paid less than $20/hr at the top step at that time.

Finally, the union and employer agreed that all “qualified” and “partially qualified” positions will be compared to all similar positions across Nova Scotia to determine the highest hourly rate in the province.  If it is determined that an hourly rate in AVRCE is not highest paid in the province, that classification will receive 2 adjustments to get them to the highest rate: 50% of the difference between their rate and the highest by April 1, 2023, and the remaining 50% by March 31, 2024.